
Pharmacogenetic Characteristics and Effectivenes – Side-Effects – Dosage of Domperidone Therapy

By |2017-05-04T13:18:48-05:00May 4th, 2017|Precision Medicine, Research|

Polymorphisms in the Drug Transporter ABCB1, Potassium Channel KCNH2 and a1D-Adrenoceptor ADRA1D  Domperidone is a better choice (compare to Metoclopramide) for treatment of Gastroparesis (symptomatic disorder of delayed gastric emptying) [...]

New Innovative Pharmaceutical Company Joining Ayass Group!

By |2017-04-24T16:15:40-05:00April 24th, 2017|News from Ayass BioScience, Precision Medicine, Research|

With the new sister company Ayass Pharmaceutical, LLC, we are  strengthening the foundation of Dr. Ayass' mission to Bridge Science and Precision Patient Care. We are well positioned to advance [...]

Computational Biology New Understanding of Human Cells Well-Being

By |2020-05-17T17:37:53-05:00April 18th, 2017|Computational Biology (Bioinformatics), Precision Medicine, Research, Stem Cell Research|

Computational Biology (Bioinformatics) is the science of using biological data to develop algorithms and relations among various biological systems. Ayass BioScience team is working on finding ways to use complex [...]

Umbilical Cord Stem Cells offer New Potentials for Treating Diseases

By |2017-02-15T16:33:12-06:00February 9th, 2017|Research, Stem Cell Research|

Low Chances of Rejection. Higher Matching Ability. Easier to Reprogram to Act Like Embryonic Stem Cells - Increasing Their Regenerative Capabilities.   Stem cells have the potential for alleviating suffering [...]

Noninvasive Mouthwash Method Of Collecting DNA!

By |2017-05-11T13:49:41-05:00January 26th, 2017|Next Generation Sequencing, Pharmacogenetic Testing, Precision Medicine, Research|

Quantity and Quality of DNA are Similar to Blood Methods! Ayass BioScience, LLC now accepts mouthwash as a collection method for genomic DNA for our Pharmacogenetic Testing. This method is [...]

Ultra Sensitive Test for Circulating Tumor DNA At Ayass Bioscience!

By |2020-05-17T17:37:53-05:00January 19th, 2017|Circulating Tumor DNA, Genetic Testing, Research|

Detection Of Cancer at Early Stages! MUTATION DETECTION AT LOWER ALLELIC FRIEQUENCY! At Ayass BioScience we use an ultrasensitive method for detecting circulating tumor DNA. We can detect cancer with [...]

Liquid Biopsies – High Sensitivity Cancer Detection

By |2020-05-17T17:37:53-05:00January 16th, 2017|Circulating Tumor DNA, Genetic Testing, Next Generation Sequencing, Research|

SCREENING AND EARLY CANCER DETECTION • REAL TIME MONITORING OF CANCER THERAPY Dying cancer cells shed very small amount of DNA into blood. Gene-sequencing machines decode millions of short fragments [...]

Mass Spectrometry – Proteomics – Metabolomics – for Disease – Specific Biomarkers

By |2022-01-12T14:00:00-06:00December 22nd, 2016|Genetic Testing, Mass Spectrometry, Next Generation Sequencing, Research|

The Proteomics studies that corroborate Metabolomics findings are the next generation of laboratory testing using the Mass Spectrometry, a key technology for targeted protein and metabolite identification and quantification. This [...]

Free Genetic Testing with Blood Donation!

By |2022-01-12T14:03:34-06:00October 25th, 2016|Genetic Testing, Next Generation Sequencing, Offers, Research|

The role of genetic research is indispensable in diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders. We study how each genes work and what roles genes have in the development of disease. [...]

Donate and find out about your “blue print”!

By |2022-01-12T14:04:37-06:00October 20th, 2016|Genetic Testing, News from Ayass BioScience, Next Generation Sequencing, Offers, Research|

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Lung, Colon, Prostate, or Breast Cancer, we are currently offering genetic testing at no cost to you other than a [...]

Laboratory Testing. Medical Testing. Medical Research.

Laboratory Testing. Medical Testing. Medical Research.

Ayass BioScience, LLC

8501 Wade Blvd. Bldg 9, Frisco, TX 750934

Phone: 972-668-6005

Fax: 972-635-4440

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