Mohamad Ammar Ayass, MD


Mohamad Ammar Ayass, MD

Next generation sequencing is the cutting edge methodology that sequences millions of small fragments of DNA at the same time. At Ayass BioScience, LLC we provide next generation sequencing to targeted genes that are grouped into panels and are known to be associated with a disease or condition. This allows us to focus on a specific area of interest at a reduced price, faster delivery time and to provide accurate results.

Genetic variation is what makes us all different and there may be multiple variations of any given gene in the human population. Some of these variants are associated with disease or conditions. Having a variant does not mean that it will lead to disease manifestation. Genome-wide association studies help scientists uncover the association between individual variants and certain disorders. Any variant documented in our report is based on scientific evidence from such studies and therefore the results of the test provide information about the likelihood of risk for developing a certain disease. Such information may be useful in making decisions about your lifestyle and healthcare.

Genetic test results can be hard to understand, which is why, if you have a positive result we highly recommend that you reach out to genetic counselors who can provide professional explanation about what your results might mean for you and your family. Our sequencing panels only look at variation in a subset of genes. Other genes not included on this panel may be associated with disease. A “Negative” result does not indicate that disease will not present.

Mohamad Ammar Ayass, MD

Mohamad Ammar Ayass, MD

If you have any questions about Genetic Testing Next Generation Sequencing at Ayass BioScience, LLC, please call today at 972-668-6005 or fill out our contact form on the bottom of this page. We will answer any question you might have.