
Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Genetic Testing?

Genetic testing sequences DNA to identify genetic differences, anomalies, or mutations that may result in the development of hereditary conditions. Prior to ordering a genetic test, we recommend that you educate yourself to about the procedure, benefits, limitations and possible consequences of a test result. The process of educating yourself about the test (and obtaining permission for testing) is called informed consent. Informed consent is not a contract, and you can change your mind at any time, even after the test sample already been collected.

What is the Difference Between Genetic Testing vs. Genomic Testing?

Genetic testing identifies variations in our DNA that we are born with and through prior clinical research we can infer how these variations may affect our health now or in the future. Genomic testing identifies abnormalities or mutations that occur as a result of cancer and are only found in cancer cells.

 Will Genetic Testing be Covered by Health Insurance?

In most cases, your health insurance will cover the cost of testing if genetic testing is recommended to you by your doctor. If you are interested in ordering genetic tests, you should contact your insurance company beforehand and ask about coverage.

There is a reasonable concern that health/life insurance will decline covering a person based on the results of genetic testing that indicate the future development of certain conditions. National legislation in the works to make genetic discrimination illegal.

If you choose not to use your insurance to pay for genetic testing because the results can affect your insurance coverage, you may decide to pay for the test yourself. Find out more about your state’s or country’s privacy protection laws before asking your insurance company to cover the costs of such tests.

Is My Privacy Protected?

We will not share your or your family analysis information with ANY third party without your explicit permission. We do not provide information to law enforcement without a valid court-ordered request. We support the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and other laws that protect individuals from being discriminated against based on their genetics.

What is CLIA?

Laboratories that perform genetic testing have to meet federal regulatory standards of Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). CLIA standards regulate how tests are performed, the qualifications of personnel and testing procedures.  These standards ensure the analytical validity of genetic test (how well the test identifies the presence or absence of a particular gene), but do not address the clinical validity of the genetic test (what genetic variants are analyzed) and clinical utility of genetic test (how the test may be used such as for diagnosis, treatment, management or prevention of a disease). Ayass BioScience, LLC laboratory (DBA Ayass Lung Clinic, PLLC) offers easy-to-understand information about the scientific basis of our tests to help you make better informed decisions.

Cons and Pros of Genetic Testing

Genetic test results can help you make informed decisions about managing your health care. For example, a negative test result can eliminate the need for unnecessary checkups and screening tests. A positive result can direct you toward available prevention, monitoring and treatment options.

Genetic testing is a fairly non-invasive test and the physical risks associated with genetic testing are very small. Our tests require only a small amount of blood sample. Other risks associated with genetic testing involve the emotional, social or financial consequences of the test results.

If I had blood transfusion, how long do I have to wait before I can send a sample for genetic test?

Mitochondrial DNA test are the only test that require a waiting period after blood transfusions because of the level of heteroplasmy in the blood. However, we recommend a waiting period of a month before sending samples for all other DNA testing.

How long do I have to wait for test results?

Our goal is to provide you with an accurate result and in reasonable time period. A number of factors contribute to estimations for time of delivery, such as the size of the gene and the complexity of the interpretation. Our turnaround time for genetic testing is usually 6-8 weeks.

I’m not comfortable with blood drawn (puncturing my finger), do you accept any other specimen type for genetic testing?

We also use easy non-invasive method to collect DNA. Our laboratory’s technology can accommodate samples collected by medical grade foam tipped buccal swab, making it a viable alternative to a trip to the phlebotomist and reducing the impact of blood-drawing on patients’ health. Quantity and quality of DNA are similar to blood methods.
For whole blood collection, please check our Specimen Requirement.

What if I have more questions?

You may contact us by calling 972-668-6005, complete the form on the bottom of this page or by email at ayassbioscience@ayassbioscience.com. We usually reply within one business day.

If you have any questions about Ayass BioScience, LLC COVID-19 Testing, Genetic Testing, Genetic Research, Next Generation Sequencing, Pharmacogenetic Testing, Laboratory Testing, Allergen Component-Resolved Testing, or Ordering Our Tests, please us call today at 972-668-6005 or fill out our contact form on the bottom of this page. We will answer any question you might have.